
More than 70 percent of Bubsheim residents live and work in their own town. The largest employer here is Anton Haering KG.

Time and again, Bubsheim’s peculiarities become the focus of public interest. According to the Schwäbische Zeitung (German newspaper), the community is one of the youngest in Germany with an age of only 38 years. The SWR (Southwest Radio) yet again reports on the community and puts Anton Häring KG in the spotlight. This is because more than 70 percent of the residents in Bubsheim live and work in their own town – a peak value in Baden-Wüttemberg, Germany. Of the approximate 844 working town residents, around half (421 people) are employed by Anton Haering KG. This makes Haering, by far, the biggest employer in town.

It has been apparent since the 1990’s that Haering makes a significant contribution to the growth of the community in search of workers. Haering has built their own housing complexes, to accommodate their employees and families.

Today, international guests from Tunisia, China, Poland, and the USA live and work in Bubsheim. These people are trainees who complete basic training in Germany. They have become part of the everyday life in Bubsheim and lend the small community their own individual charm.
